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ERC4626 Vault Smart Contract tutorial | DeFi Vault tutorial
In this DeFi vault smart contract tutorial we build a tokenized vault smart contract using the ERC4626 standard. Learn how to build a custom vault that inherits from ERC4626, add vault fees and hook up your yield strategy code. Follow along and learn this important DeFi protocol pattern.
Useful links:
Remix editor:
Metamask wallet:
Ethereum unit converter:
Sepolia faucets:
ERC4626 info:
ERC4626 Tutorial GitHub repo:
Imports for remix:
import "";
import "";
import "";
Переглядів: 6 653


Uniswap V3 Tutorial | Uniswap Smart Contract (Single Swap) | DeFi Tutorial
Переглядів 42 тис.Рік тому
In this Uniswap tutorial create a smart contract that implements a simple ERC20 token swap (Uniswap single swap) using the Uniswap V3 protocol. This DeFi tutorial explores the Uniswap V3 ISwapRouter interface for executing token swaps from Uinswap liquidity pools. Follow along and learn about this important DeFi primitive. GitHub repo for this tutorial: LI...
Aave Liquidity Pool Tutorial | DeFi Liquidity Pools | Crypto passive income
Переглядів 16 тис.Рік тому
Learn how to supply tokens to the Aave liquidity pool and earn interest in the form of passive income on your investment. We explore how to add and remove liquidity from both the UI and smart contract code. Topics covered include Aave liquidity market protocol, DeFi liquidity pools, aTokens (equity tokens), and more. Project repo: LINK address (...
Flash Loan Arbitrage | Aave Flash Loan Tutorial
Переглядів 127 тис.Рік тому
Create an Aave Flash Loan arbitrage smart contract from scratch in this comprehensive flash loan tutorial. In this step-by-step DeFi tutorial we use the Aave v3 protocol to build a flash loan receiver smart contract. We'll then use a mock DEX contract to simulate a flash loan arbitrage. Project repo: Aave v3 Flash Loan documentation:
Web3 Tutorial | Connect Wallet Tutorial | Web3 Connect Metamask Wallet
Переглядів 33 тис.Рік тому
In this web3 tutorial we create a connect wallet button for a dApp in order to connect to the app using Metamask. Starter code: Completed code: Faucet dApp tutorial:
Web3 Tutorial Project | Build a Faucet dApp with Ethersjs & Reactjs
Переглядів 10 тис.Рік тому
In this project-based web3 tutorial we build a complete faucet dApp using Ethersjs and Reactjs to connect to a wallet and interact with a Solidity faucet smart contract on the Ethereum Goerli network. Topics covered include: connecting a wallet, interacting with a smart contract, dApps, web3 tutorial for beginners, Reactjs, Ethersjs library, web3js library, application binary interface (abi), E...
Faucet Smart Contract Tutorial | Solidity Tutorial
Переглядів 14 тис.Рік тому
In this faucet smart contract tutorial we build a faucet smart contract to give away ERC20 tokens on Ethereum to anyone who requests them. Topics covered in this video include Solidity interfaces, events, working with time and sending and receiving tokens. Project repo: Goerli testnet faucet: Install MetaMask: Rem...
ERC20 Token Tutorial | Create Your Own Cryptocurrency
Переглядів 123 тис.Рік тому
In this ERC20 token tutorial you will learn how to create your own cryptocurrency as an ERC20 token on Ethereum. We cover all of the steps from development and testing to deployment. Topics covered include testing in the Remix editor, creating a project with Hardhat, token design, ERC20 smart contract development, smart contract testing and deployment to Ethereum. Project repo on GitHub: github...
Python Tutorial - Python Crash Course for Beginners
Переглядів 3,3 тис.Рік тому
Learn Python with the Python Crash Course for Beginners. In this Python tutorial we cover all the basics of the language, including variables, data types, data structures and functions. Build a CLI number guessing game in the course's final project. Course source code:
EIP-4337 Account Abstraction & Smart Contract Wallets featuring Stackup
Переглядів 12 тис.Рік тому
Learn about Ethereum account abstraction, smart contract wallets and EIP-4337 with code examples from Stackup. Vitalik Buterin blog post: EIP-4337: Stackup wallet: Stackup GitHub: Stackup Dischord:
Web3 Tutorial Project | Build a web3js dApp with a Solidity lottery smart contract on Ethereum
Переглядів 78 тис.2 роки тому
In this project-based web3 tutorial we build a completed lottery dApp with a focus on how to build a UI for a lottery smart contract, using the web3js library. Topics covered include: the web3js library, connecting a Metamask wallet, application binary interface (abi), NextJS, Truffle, Ethereum Rinkeby testnet, Chainlink VRN, deploying a Solidity smart contract to Ethereum and more. Completed p...
Smart Contracts 101 - Simple Ether Wallet Smart Contract Tutorial
Переглядів 14 тис.2 роки тому
In this Solidity Ethereum smart contract tutorial we build simple Ether wallet smart contract to review the basics of sending and receiving funds to and from a smart contract. Remix IDE:
Smart Contract Tutorial | Create a Safe Remote Purchase Ethereum Smart Contract with Solidity
Переглядів 16 тис.2 роки тому
In this smart contracts tutorial video we create a safe remote purchase Ethereum smart contract using Solidity and the Remix online IDE and test it's methods using the Javascript VM virtual Blockchain. Remix IDE:
Web3 Tutorial Project | Build a web3js dApp for a smart contract
Переглядів 108 тис.2 роки тому
In this project-based web3 tutorial we build a completed dApp with a focus on how to build a UI for a smart contract, using the web3js library. Topics covered include: the web3.js library, application binary interface (abi), NextJS, Truffle, deploying a Solidity smart contract to Ethereum and more. Vending Machine smart contract tutorial:
Reentrancy Attack | Smart Contract Security Tutorial Part 2
Переглядів 11 тис.2 роки тому
In this smart contract security tutorial we look at how reentrancy attacks work and what we can do to protect against them, including using a reentrancy guard. This tutorial also shows how one smart contract can call another smart contract on the blockchain. Smart Contract Security series source code:
Access Control | Smart Contract Security Tutorial Part 1
Переглядів 8 тис.2 роки тому
Access Control | Smart Contract Security Tutorial Part 1
How to Become a Blockchain Developer
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How to Become a Blockchain Developer
How to Make an NFT Collection | NFT Tutorial | What are NFTs?
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How to Make an NFT Collection | NFT Tutorial | What are NFTs?
Lottery Smart Contract Tutorial Part II - Get a verifiable random number with Chainlink VRF
Переглядів 15 тис.2 роки тому
Lottery Smart Contract Tutorial Part II - Get a verifiable random number with Chainlink VRF
Smart Contract Tutorial - Create a lottery smart contract in Solidity
Переглядів 28 тис.2 роки тому
Smart Contract Tutorial - Create a lottery smart contract in Solidity
Deploy a smart contract to Ethereum using Truffle - A step-by-step guide.
Переглядів 32 тис.2 роки тому
Deploy a smart contract to Ethereum using Truffle - A step-by-step guide.
Smart Contract Tutorial - Vending Machine Smart Contract in Solidity
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Smart Contract Tutorial - Vending Machine Smart Contract in Solidity
Solidity Tutorial - Basics: Functions
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Solidity Tutorial - Basics: Functions
Smart Contracts 101 - Create a Simple Ethereum Smart Contract with Solidity
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Smart Contracts 101 - Create a Simple Ethereum Smart Contract with Solidity
Intro to AWS Lambda with Python | AWS Lambda Python Tutorial
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Intro to AWS Lambda with Python | AWS Lambda Python Tutorial
AWS CodePipeline tutorial | Build a CI/CD Pipeline on AWS
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AWS CodePipeline tutorial | Build a CI/CD Pipeline on AWS
QnA Maker Bot | Microsoft Bot Framework tutorial
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QnA Maker Bot | Microsoft Bot Framework tutorial
Microsoft Bot Framework Tutorial & Azure Bot Service Intro | Create a Chatbot
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Microsoft Bot Framework Tutorial & Azure Bot Service Intro | Create a Chatbot
AWS EC2 Tutorial | Install WordPress on AWS EC2
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AWS EC2 Tutorial | Install WordPress on AWS EC2
AWS Cognito Tutorial Part III | Session persistence & change password
Переглядів 29 тис.5 років тому
AWS Cognito Tutorial Part III | Session persistence & change password


  • @yoganandaiyadurai
    @yoganandaiyadurai День тому

    Nice tutorial. The command to init truffle is npx truffle init. truffle init will throw up errors. IF migrations.sol is not created then use npx truffle unbox command to create.

  • @salemabualem
    @salemabualem 3 дні тому

    how can i execute the contract on real network ?

  • @pratyushchauhan6944
    @pratyushchauhan6944 3 дні тому

    amazing contribution ser!!!

  • @user-oe8lj3jh9c
    @user-oe8lj3jh9c 4 дні тому

    Эта проблема решается простым копированием кода в 10 строк с сайта Metamask, это лучше, чем смотреть по-полчаса чье-то видео

  • @petermarsh2174
    @petermarsh2174 9 днів тому

    Hi Jonathan have you done a tutoirial on how to setup VS Code for a development scenario ie exactly how you set your machine.. Thanks in advance

  • @Lalalala22537
    @Lalalala22537 10 днів тому

    Is python useful in this field..?

  • @UdayarajanGauthaman
    @UdayarajanGauthaman 10 днів тому When I run npx hardhat run --network sepolia scripts/deployFlashLoan.js I am getting error “factory runner does not support sending transactions (operation=“sendTransaction”, code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=6.12.1)” 1. I am not sure why version is 6.12.1 2. I want to know the correct way to implement getSigner() to solve this problem. Ethers version in package.json “ethers”: “^5.1.3”, and I installed ethers with npm i @ethers5.1.3 Deploy script contains const hre = require(“hardhat”); thanks Uday

  • @rogerwmwong
    @rogerwmwong 11 днів тому

    Refer to 14:22, I got this warning message, "This version of µWS is not compatible with your Node.js build: Error: Cannot find module '../binaries/uws_linux_x64_127.node'...Falling back to a NodeJS implementation; performance may be degraded.", yet the test is run successfully. Any idea how to fix that warning?

  • @Buggedmind6
    @Buggedmind6 12 днів тому

    Amazing stuff. But i have an issue im trying to code along with you but when i create a next app i dont ger the pages folder

  • @udayarajangauthaman6921
    @udayarajangauthaman6921 12 днів тому

    const FlashLoan = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("FlashLoan"); const flashLoan = await FlashLoan.deploy("0x012bAC54348C0E635dCAc9D5FB99f06F24136C9A"); Flash Loan is not deployed. Address is POOLADDRESSPROVIDER AAVE-V3 for Sepolia Testnet. Can you pls help.

  • @MarketMasteryMedia
    @MarketMasteryMedia 14 днів тому

    How can I set Buy and Sell Tax 5% on my token? Could you help me?

  • @DeathPlayer001
    @DeathPlayer001 16 днів тому

    how much it cost all this?

  • @Bella-nz6go
    @Bella-nz6go 17 днів тому

    Hello, I found problem during deploying the flashloan contract, when I run the command “box hardhat run -network sepolia scripts/deployFlashloan.js” in the terminal, I got a TypeError: flashloan.deployed is not a function… at processTicksAndRejections (node: internal/process/task_queues:95:5). I can’t find what’s wrong. Can anyone help me with it?

  • @infomaxgearconstruction2787
    @infomaxgearconstruction2787 17 днів тому

    npx hardhat is not working npx : 无法将“npx”项识别为 cmdlet、函数、脚本文件或可运行程序的名称。请检查名称的拼写,如 果包括路径,请确保路径正确,然后再试一次。 所在位置 行:1 字符: 1 + npx hardhat + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (npx:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

  • @alexeitarasov1920
    @alexeitarasov1920 19 днів тому

    Super useful videos! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  • @heldersantos4935
    @heldersantos4935 20 днів тому

    Hello, thanks for tutorial. im getting the following error: "NotImplementedError: Method 'HardhatEthersProvider.resolveName' is not implemented" when i try to deployFlashloan.js (following minute 27:40 from video. Anyone know what is the problem?

  • @yaya555
    @yaya555 21 день тому

    Thank you Brother you're tutorial Brother I need Some Help When I try for hashlips contract NFT.REVEAL.sol There's some error (Strings) I fixed putting [import @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol ] But onther error in (require _exists(tokenId), _exists is The error

  • @user-is6oi9ui2o
    @user-is6oi9ui2o 23 дні тому

    i faced bag gatewayt error after deploy code to aws elastic beanstalk, any idea?

  • @paraipan-rq2sj
    @paraipan-rq2sj 25 днів тому

    very initeresting, but goerli is deprecated. how do i do to change to sepolia? im new to this . thank you .

  • @user-we6ri4gi9y
    @user-we6ri4gi9y 26 днів тому

    Smart contrat in The video différent in your repo😂

    @GLOBALTECHFUSION 27 днів тому

    If you want to split the sale, First Pre-sale and after that the main one, how to be organized in the contract?

  • @huseyindemirhan7176
    @huseyindemirhan7176 28 днів тому


  • @JohnDoe34548
    @JohnDoe34548 28 днів тому

    but i'd like to see a video on how to orgaise an airdrop of your token, or even get it listed on binance or coinbase.

  • @JohnDoe34548
    @JohnDoe34548 28 днів тому

    great video, sir.

  • @zeenatfirdoshquadri1699
    @zeenatfirdoshquadri1699 29 днів тому

    use terms like path parameters in title, it would be easy to search

  • @zeenatfirdoshquadri1699
    @zeenatfirdoshquadri1699 29 днів тому

    thanks alot searching for it

  • @Bobbybaitz
    @Bobbybaitz Місяць тому

    Hi, I'm running into this error: npm : The term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + npm init + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (npm:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundE xception Any help?

  • @nathangandawa3034
    @nathangandawa3034 Місяць тому

    Hey, can this be done in BSC?

  • @velafresh
    @velafresh Місяць тому

    My token got split up into two routes 90% and 10% but I never received the 10% so basically I instantly lost $106 what exactly happen here do you think?

  • @dougpartridge9011
    @dougpartridge9011 Місяць тому

    I could not get this to deploy... it must have something to do with how things are currently working vs 5 years ago when the video was recorded. Too bad, I was looking forward to doing the steps. Perhaps they will update this video.

  • @pc5798
    @pc5798 Місяць тому

    Can you do a video of how to exit a smart contract and bring coins back to your account if for example Uniswap Labs gets shut down?

  • @ArthurRoyal
    @ArthurRoyal Місяць тому

    How can I contact you? Great Video

  • @shibuthomas6384
    @shibuthomas6384 Місяць тому

    for any one using openzeppeline v5 if ur getting an error while assigning msg.sender to the owner variable change it to owner = payable(msg.sender) and _beforetokentransfer has been removed in v5 , so we have to override the _update function and add the logic

  • @telego1151
    @telego1151 Місяць тому

    Hey, thank you for the video, super thorough and helpful! One quick question though, is the coding the same for minting and BlockRewards now that Ethereum has moved to Proof of Stake or should we do anything different?

  • @vtanz
    @vtanz Місяць тому

    Will this contract work for base chain L2 from coinbase. Let me know how to contact you. Thanks

  • @thangtombing6101
    @thangtombing6101 Місяць тому

    Do i need to write that smart contract to do flash loan arbitrage on Aave?

  • @dogmaticent
    @dogmaticent Місяць тому

    Can I use this for the balancer protocol ? Please I will appreciate your help on this

  • @VV-ym2tf
    @VV-ym2tf Місяць тому

    Can I copy the solidity contract from you and past it in Remix ide to deploy the contract?

  • @MaDkiLLaV2
    @MaDkiLLaV2 Місяць тому

    Very good. I like your teaching style, where you troubleshoot basic errors without editing them out. Do you have any videos on how to import external libraries from python into lambda?

  • @talawanda5164
    @talawanda5164 Місяць тому

    this is how scammers drain your wallet don't do it!

  • @JulieMonza
    @JulieMonza Місяць тому

    did anybody manage to repeat and get any real usdc profit?

  • @AmericanJeeperMW
    @AmericanJeeperMW Місяць тому

    How can I get in touch with you sir ? I cant find a messenger or email

  • @williamwallace5707
    @williamwallace5707 Місяць тому

    Very in-depth, great tutorial. I was wondering what type of environment you are coding in. Are you using Docker, a VM, cloud or your PC? I am new to coding, very basic understanding and am concerned about installing and experimenting with various scripts/software and blockchain based things.

  • @sinakheiri
    @sinakheiri Місяць тому

    I was following along until i realized rinkeby is not available anymore and truffle is basically deprecated and not maintained anymore. this was a bummer good info anyway

  • @thangtombing6101
    @thangtombing6101 Місяць тому

    I thought aave flashloan does not need coding

  • @AyoDojgh
    @AyoDojgh 2 місяці тому

    Happy to find high level content like this! <3

  • @mobiactive
    @mobiactive 2 місяці тому

    Good morning, to create a BSC network, do I need to change the router or do I have to change something else in the code?

  • @cryptoBlockchainDev
    @cryptoBlockchainDev 2 місяці тому

    Is that solidity codes?

  • @scotking9123
    @scotking9123 2 місяці тому

    npx hardhat run --network sepolia scripts/deployFlashLoan.js Error: Package subpath './lib/utils' is not defined by "exports" in /home/cryptosoaring/flashloan/node_modules/ethers/package.json Any idea why this is? I read someone else with this problem saying that downgrading ethers fixed the problem. I'm not sure how to do this.

  • @juanmosqueda2210
    @juanmosqueda2210 2 місяці тому

    I know this is kind an off topic but I'll take my shoot here too. Is possible to get the routerAddress by code? I am trying to replicate this in to the Fuji testnet but I can't find it in any documentation (Uniswap or Avalanche) so I'm wondering if it possible to code something that return that address but based in what I researched it looks like is simple not possible. Any help I will really appreciate it.